Optimizing Key Components in Vaccine Production for a Global Market

Overview Our partner faced significant challenges in scaling up vaccine production to meet global demand due to insufficient yields in both upstream fermentation and downstream processing. Ginkgo Bioworks’s cell engineering platform streamlined our partner’s fermentation and processing, resulting in substantial increases in efficiency and yield. Within ten months, our partner saw improvements that ensured they […]

Discovering and Manufacturing Next-Generation Vaccine Adjuvants Using Generative Molecular Design

  We’re thrilled to have been awarded a 5-year contract alongside SaponiQx, Inc., totaling up to $31 million including program options, to discover and develop next-generation vaccine adjuvants. This award comes to us from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s (DTRA) Joint Science and Technology Office (JSTO) for the Chemical and Biological Defense (CBD) Program, through […]

A New Modality of Medicine: Nucleic Acid Vaccines

Overview The coronavirus pandemic saw the rise of a new modality of medicine – the nucleic acid vaccine. The timescale for producing this new biologic was counted in months, not years, with companies across the world standing up a supply chain which could manufacture hundreds of millions of doses a year. A New Modality The […]

Developing High-Efficacy Adjuvants for Vaccines with SaponiQx

Adjuvants—substances known to enhance our immune response—are a key component of many existing vaccines. And while vaccines are one of the most powerful tools we have to fight pandemics, ensuring widespread access to efficacious vaccines continues to be a major challenge around the world. SaponiQx, a new subsidiary announced today by Agenus, plans to use […]

An Inside Look at the vaccinetime Twitter Bot

Hey everyone, Dan here! I write software at Ginkgo Bioworks and am the creator of the vaccinetime Twitter bot which helps people find open COVID-19 vaccine appointments in Massachusetts. I wrote the vaccinetime bot after noticing how much time coworkers were spending trying to find a vaccine appointment, sitting on the registration page for hours […]