Ginkgo Awarded DARPA Contract to Reimagine the Manufacturing of Complex Therapeutic Proteins

We’re pleased to share that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced that we have been awarded a 4-year contract worth up to $18 million to reimagine how to manufacture complex therapeutic proteins. As a performer on DARPA’s Reimagining Protein Manufacturing (RPM) project, we aim to deliver revolutionary advances in on-demand protein manufacturing by […]

RNA Therapeutics Services at Ginkgo

Ginkgo Ferment 2023, Platform Presentation on RNA Therapeutics: Shawdee Eshghi, PhD, Senior Director of Mammalian Engineering shares an overview of how Ginkgo’s services can help those innovating in RNA Therapeutics for greater efficacy, specificity, and manufacturability. Watch the presentation here or read below for a summary. Ginkgo is your cell engineering partner From small molecule […]

Ultra High Throughput Screening to Push Protein Production Titers to the Max

Overview Rapid, ultra high throughput screening at Ginkgo: Find the needle in the haystack, fast. Ginkgo’s plate-free, screening technology, Encaps, can unlock your strain’s commercial value  In Summary >700k Genetic variants screened us three iterations of the EncapS technology 50% Improvement of target protein production on customer’s base strain 4 Months dedicated to three successive […]

Evolving Microbial Metabolism with Automated Laboratory Evolution

Overview Automated Laboratory Evolution rewires E. coli central metabolism to optimize conversion of agricultural waste to plastic precursors. Ginkgo’s strain evolution services help a commodity chemicals company shift feedstocks of a strain that was crucial for their sustainability goals. The challenge: Rewire E. coli’s central metabolism – which has evolved over millions of years – […]

Virtual Event: Optimizing RNA Therapeutics

On April 26th, we hosted a webinar to discuss Ginkgo’s RNA Therapeutic Services. These services make RNA-based therapeutics and vaccines easier to engineer. The event highlighted our technologies for circular RNA discovery and production that were further augmented by recent acquisition of Circularis, and a full stack of associated services from early-stage to pre-clinical. The […]

Developing a Novel mRNA Manufacturing Platform with Sensible Biotechnologies

An in vivo alternative to conventional in vitro mRNA production technology Today, we are pleased to announce our partnership with Sensible Biotechnologies to develop an in vivo microbial mRNA manufacturing platform. Currently, the vast majority of mRNA used in vaccines, therapeutics and other applications is produced by in vitro transcription (IVT), a cell-free process, which […]


Overview Catalyzing biological innovations to solve today’s hardest challenges Ginkgo’s world-class synthetic biology platform provides resilient, sustainable, and innovative solutions to the challenges facing our society and world. Our range of capabilities combines computational design and ultra high throughput genetic engineering and screening with expertise in process development and manufacturing scale up. Ginkgo helps your […]


Overview Unleash the full potential of your R&D team Ginkgo’s services empower customers across all stages of the drug development pipeline, from discovery through manufacturing. Our world-class synthetic biology platform combines computational design and ultra high throughput genetic engineering and screening with expertise in process development and manufacturing scale-up. Ginkgo helps your R&D team develop […]


Overview Harness the full breadth of biology for agriculture Whether it’s pests developing resistance to chemical crop inputs or microbes developing resistance to antibiotics, biology is constantly evolving. The best answer to biology’s continuous adaptation? Biology itself. Ginkgo’s platform enables you to develop and launch the next generation of biological solutions to meet agriculture’s greatest […]

Developing Circular RNA-based Therapeutics with Esperovax

Initial focus of partnership will aim to develop cancer therapeutics Today, we announced a partnership with Esperovax, an innovative developer of oral mRNA biologics, to develop circular RNAs (circRNAs) for a variety of therapeutic applications. Initially, Ginkgo and Esperovax will work to develop circRNAs harboring payloads to specifically target colorectal cancer by inducing cell death […]